Chris Skoog is a Senior Arts and Entertainment Technologies Major in the School of Design and Creative Technologies at the University of Texas at Austin. Read other Q&As with AET seniors.
Why did you choose your major?
I always wanted to work with music on my computer, making full orchestral scores sound as realistic as possible. This was the place to do it. I wanted this major before it was a major. It was the right fit for me.
What's been your biggest surprise in your program?
The super friendly and truly unique professors in the program. From audio to animation to 3-D modeling to lighting, all the professors have been some of the kindest and most incredible professors I have ever had in my four years here.
What project are you most proud of during your time at UT, and why?
I am most proud of my audio work and Adobe creations. Even though I had never touched the Adobe software, I came out with good skills and projects to show off.
What do you hope to do after graduation?
I hope to get a job in the gaming industry as an in-house audio designer.
Any advice for incoming freshmen in AET?
You get what you put into it. This is not a typical major trying to test you on numbers or formulas. This major is designed to push your creative skills to the max to enhance what you have in order to get ahead of your competition in the job market.