Beyond Borders Series: “An Iranian-Israeli Collaboration: the Artists Keren Farago and Ashkan Roayaee in Conversation”
Join us for a conversation with Iranian Houston-based photographer Ashkan Royaee and Israeli-based painter Keren Farago about artistic collaboration in politically fraught contexts.
Ashkan and Keren will discuss their creative work, their artistic collaboration, and the relation between art, human connection, dance, and unity. Moderated by Yuliya Lanina, Assistant Professor of Practice in the Department of Arts and Entertainment Technologies in UT’s School of Design and Creative Technologies.
This event is sponsored by: Schusterman Center for Jewish Studies; Center for Middle Eastern Studies; Plan II Honors Program; Department of Arts and Entertainment Technologies at the School of Design and Creative Technologies; Department of Theatre and Dance at The University of Texas at Austin; with the support of the Office of Cultural Affairs, Consulate General of Israel to the Southwest