
Image of LED-lighted wood cutout of Texas create by undergrad Design student for Jose Perez' Objects and Spaces class

This project charts the path of Zac DeLane's family. Zac's family has called Texas home for four generations, and from small towns and big cities, their family has roots in a lot of different towns in Texas. This piece was designed to showcase Zac's family roots and history, while also serving as a centerpiece for their backyard space. It's something personable and speaks to their history throughout the state and is a reflective piece of their own history.

The Ask: Create something original, with a concept in tow, using LED lights.

Zac DeLane's sketch process of designing an LED-lit wood cutout of Texas
Image of LED-lighted wood cutout of Texas created by undergrad Design student on the outside of his family home


in-progress photo of wood cutout of Texas created by Design undergrad student Zac DeLane

Project Details


Zac DeLane

Technology Used

Rhino, FabLab

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