Dear COFA Students,
Welcome back to campus! I hope this note finds you well after a great summer. I’m excited to share that we have an extraordinary semester planned with lots of visitors, speakers and learning opportunities for students across COFA.
For those of you I haven’t yet met, my name is Jan Ryan, and I’m the Executive Director of Entrepreneurship and Innovation in the College of Fine Arts. This fall begins my second year of leading students through programming and curriculum designed to bring together like-minded creative students and faculty who want to change the world, embody their passion to create and challenge the status quo. Sounds like fun, doesn't it?
You might not know it yet, but you already possess the ability to do extraordinary things and to overcome many obstacles. For those of you who identify as creatives, makers, builders and collaborators, I want you to know you couldn’t have timed this personal and professional journey any better.
Every entrepreneur’s journey is unique, and that’s why I view my role as bringing students a compass and not a map. There are no handrails. The most powerful way to know what you’re made of is to learn as much as you can, try new things and believe in yourself.
We have an amazing lineup of events this semester—take a look at our programming, and think about where you fit in. I’m here to show you how you can learn and develop an entrepreneur’s mindset that will help you in your career as a creative, whether or not that means launching a business right now. We have a lot of opportunities for you to learn and grow, and I’m excited to be part of your journey.
Jan Ryan
Executive Director, Entrepreneurship and Innovation
P.S. This semester my office hours are M/W 11:15 a.m. – 12:15 p.m. or by appointment. My office is DFA 4.102 on the fourth floor of the Fine Arts Library, and my email jan.ryan@austin.utexas.edu.