Learn how CCL helped Davis win over interviewers and how you could, too
By Neerul Gupta
In Nov. 2023, junior design student Kahlil Davis attended an information session for Microsoft during the SDCT Career City Limits Speaker Series (CCL). This summer, he’ll be working as a design intern in Redmond, WA for the technology giant.
Since 2020, SDCT has hosted numerous top companies for students across the University to connect with through the semesterly series. In addition to learning about design and technology career avenues, students have the unique opportunity to interact with recruiters and employees at highly sought-after companies.
He didn’t know it then, but attending CCL would later give Davis an edge during Microsoft’s seven-hour interview. During the Microsoft CCL session, a designer spoke about the potential of AI to shape technology. Davis’s interviewer, a cloud computing designer, described incorporating AI into his work. “Immediately, something clicked in my head,” says Davis. “I mentioned attending a talk with Microsoft where an employee discussed the future of AI at the company. He was surprised I knew about the subject, and it drove our conversation.”
In addition to CCL, SDCT offers career development coaching to successfully prepare students for a competitive interview. Industry Relations Manager Jamil Hooper helped Davis rebuild his portfolio, which Davis presented to Microsoft. Interviewees were given creative liberty during the presentation, and Davis chose a conversational presentation style. “CCL and SDCT events taught me the importance of why. As I walked through my pieces, some of which were from SDCT classes, I showcased who I was as a designer, emphasizing how important it was for me to solve problems for real communities.”
CCL offers ample chances to connect with representatives both in person and virtually. For busy students like Davis, who attended Microsoft’s virtual session, the accommodation is quite valuable.
“It’s never too early. CCL sessions give perspective, which tells you what to look for in a company, the future of the industry, or — if you're like me — what companies value and how you can leverage that in your interview.”
Students can advance their professional careers at our Spring 2024 Career City Limits Speaker Series, which kicks off next week. From February 20-22, network with companies like GDS&M, Iron Galaxy, and more. Your next step is near.